Zeta 2 Reticuli

Home system of the Greys?

Since the 6th October, 1995 several new planets orbiting other suns have been discovered and officially announced. However, in what may be a breakthrough for ufology, on the 20 September, 1996, a planet was discovered orbiting the star Zeta 2 Reticuli.

In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were abducted by aliens and taken aboard their spacecraft. During her abduction, Betty was shown a star map. She was asked by an alien to point out the Earth, but since Betty had no knowledge of astronomy, she couldn't reply. After her abduction, and under hypnotic regression Betty Hill drew the star map as accurately as possible. A few years later, Marjorie Fish built a few models of star systems using plastic balls and wire .. one of these models matched Betty Hill's diagram. The star system from which Betty had been told the aliens originated from was Zeta 2 Reticuli!

In 1988, Bob Lazar came forward with an incredible story - he said he had worked at Area 51 (S4) in Nevada to reverse engineer alien spacecraft that had been captured by the US government! During his stay at S4 he was given briefing papers to read and some of them described the alien's home solar system .. and yes, you've guessed it .. Zeta 2 Reticuli, and specifically the 4th planet in that solar system!

Below is some interesting information found on some mailing lists :

   From the Extra Solar Planets Encylopedia

   Star   M[.sini]       Semi-maj.  Period    Ecc.  Inclin.  Radius
          Jup. mass:(J)  Axis (AU)  years(y)        (deg)    (Earth
          Earth mass:(E)            days(d)                  rad.)
          (note 1) 
   zeta2 Ret  0.27(J)    0.14       18.9 (d)     0.  -       -
   11 pc 
   V = 5.24 
In a rather strange "about face", the above information was removed from the Extra Solar Planets Encyclopedia site after 4 days .. the official reason was that "the data may have been misinterpreted and there probably is no planet." Fortunately, I had saved the original version of the Encyclopedia with the Zeta 2 Reticuli information still present.

   Now this big quarter of a Jupiter mass planet is in an orbit about 
   Zeta 2 Reticuli which lasts 18.9 days and has a semi-major axis of 
   0.14 Astronomical Units. For comparison Mercury has a semi-major
   axis of 0.39 Astronomical Units (AU) [1.00 Astronomical Units = the
   distance of between the earth and the sun, about 93 million miles).  
   Now assuming that this newly discovered planet is the closest one to 
   Zeta 2 Ret (it's hard to imagine a closer one) then following Bode's 
   Law (the law which states each planet is about twice the distance 
   from it's sun as its inner neighbour)  Reticulum 2 should be at 
   0.28 AU, Reticulum 3 should be at 0.56 AU and INTERESTINGLY 
   Reticulum 4 would be at 1.12 AU in between the Earth's 1.00 AU and 
   Mars's 1.52 AU, well within the lifezone of a G class star! 

   Thanks to Joe LeSesne, E-mail : raver187@m-net.arbornet.org

   I just found another possible way that this recent discovery
   could confirm part of Lazar and Jarod 2's story. I found the 
   length of the Zeta 2 Reticulum 4's year. How did I do this you 
   might ask? Simple, with calculator in hand I used two elementary 
   laws of Astronomy. Bode's Law and Kepler's 3rd Law. 

   The numbers I used were from that data on the Extrasolar Planets 
   Encyclopedia Web Site are these:

   Semi-major axis measured in Astronomical Units, and Period measured
   in days. The newly discovered planet has a semi-major axis of 
   0.14 AU and a period of 18.9 days

   Some Definitions: 
   1 Astronomical Unit (AU) = 93 million miles, the distance between 
   the Earth and Sun.

   Semi-major axis is the measurement of the planets orbit in 
   relation to it's star in Astronomical Units. The Earth's semi-
   major axis is 1.00 AU.

   Period is the amount of time it takes to complete one orbit, a 
   planet's period is it's year. The Earth's Period is 365.26 days.

   First, Bode's Law:
   As I stated before if you apply Bode's law which states: 
   The semi-major axis of each planet is double that of it's neighbour 
   nearer to the star.Or simply each planet is about twice as far 
   from its star as its inner neighbour. i.e. Jupiter is 5.2 AU 
   from the Sun, Saturn is 9.5 AU. Now if you apply this to the 
   new discovery of a planet around Zeta 2 Reticuli and you assume 
   this planet is the closest to its star this making it the closest 
   planet to Zeta Reticuli 2 (Reticulum 1 we will call it in keeping 
   with Lazar's naming convention which I should add differs from the 
   IAU convention which would name it Zeta 2 Reticulum A - so far) 
   At 0.14 AU it's hard to imagine a closer planet to Zeta 2 Ret., 
   for comparison Mercury is at 0.387 AU from the Sun so this 
   newly found planet is Reticulum 1 in all likelyhood. Using Bodes 
   law we can extrapolate where the other planets of Zeta 2 Reticuli 
   should be.

   Kepler's 3rd law relates the planet's period or year to it's semi-
   major axis of it's orbit. Mathematically this is expressed as 
   P(squared) = a(cubed). P is the Period measured in earth years and 
   a is the semi-major axis measued in Astronomical units (AU) 

   Using both of these we can find out the length of the year on each 
   hypothetical planet in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system, INCLUDING 
   Reticulum 4, Bob Lazar's home of the Greys.

   Now lets apply Bodes Law and Kepler's 3rd Law:

                 Planets of the Zeta 2 Reticulum System
   Planet           Semi-Major axis   Period(days)   Period(years)        
   Reticulum 1       0.14 (AU)        18.9 (days)    0.052 (years)
   Reticulum 2       0.28             54.0           0.1481
   Reticulum 3       0.56             152.9          0.4196
   Reticulum 4       1.12             432.6          1.12

   So one Reticulum 4 year is equal to roughly 1.12 earth years OR 
   432 days. And it is in roughly the same position in Zeta 2 Ret's 
   "life-zone" as the Earth is in the Sun's. Zeta 2 Ret is a G1V 
   spectral class star, the sun is a G2V. They are both G class main 
   sequence stars, the difference between the 2 and the 1 indicates 
   that Zeta 2 Reticuli is a little hotter than the sun. The higher 
   the middle number the lower the temperature. The V means they are 
   both main sequence (middle age) stars but given Zeta 2 Reticuli's 
   higher temperature, and lower metallicity, it is probably older 
   than the sun by a couple billion years. So basically the Sun is a 
   little cooler and younger than Zeta 2 Reticuli. 

   For comparison here is a breakdown of the inner planets of our 
   solar system.

                    Planets of the Solar System
   Planet           Semi-Major axis   Period(days)   Period(years)
   Mercury           0.387 (AU)       87.97(days)    0.2409(years)
   Venus             0.723            224.7          0.6152
   Earth             1.00             365.26         1.0000
   Mars              1.524            686.98         1.8809

   So this brings me to my conclusion. We can check part of Lazar and 
   Jarod 2's story by asking the simple question: "How long is a 
   year on Reticulum 4?" If the answer is anywhere in the 
   neighborhood of 410-445 days (I'm allowing a lot for error) then 
   their stock will have gone up even more. Keep me posted as to what 
   you find out.

   Thanks to Joe LeSesne, E-Mail : raver187@m-net.arbornet.org

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